Mozambique - Upscaling nature-based flood protection in Mozambique’s cities (Vol. 2): Urban flood and erosion risk assessment and potential nature-based solutions for Nacala and Quelimane
The cost-benefit analysis (CBA) will comprise the data and adopt the methodology in the evaluations of the climate economic analysis development, investment, and resilience (CEADIR) activity prepared for United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This has allowed the CBA to consider ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and storage estimations, natural hazards, and agricultural production. The purpose of this analysis was to provide technical assistance to the Government of Mozambique to enhance and upscale the implementation of nature-based solutions for urban flood risk management in Nacala. Flooding is significantly accelerating in Quelimane which are exacerbated by tropical cyclones. This study estimated the costs and benefits of revegetation of land in the less densely populated areas and a combined measures approach for inner city areas which included retention ponds, improved drainage system, toe protection of gullies, and small-scale revegetation in Nacala city. This study also estimated the costs and benefits of vegetation of land and a combined measure which includes construction of retention ponds, drainage channels, rehabilitation of existing drainage channels, outlets and flap gates, green revetment, dike with green revetment, constructions of protection of bridge abutment, and a certain area allocated for the protection and re-growing of mangroves, in Quelimane city.