The National Climate Change Policy 2019 has been introduced with the objective of providing policy guidance to various levels and thematic areas towards developing a resilient society by reducing the risk of climate change impacts.
The aims and purposes of this Policy are to contribute:
- to the socio-economic prosperity of the nation by building a climate resilient society;
- to enhance climate change adaptation capacity of persons, families, groups and communities vulnerable to, and at risk of climate change;
- to build resilience of ecosystems that are at risk of adverse impacts of climate change; To promote green economy by adopting the concept of low carbon emission development;
- to mobilize national and international financial resources for climate change mitigation and adaptation in just manner;
- to conduct research, make effective technology development and information service delivery related to climate change;
- to mainstream or integrate climate change issues into policies, strategies, plans and programs at all levels of State and sectoral areas;
- to mainstream gender equality and social inclusion into climate change mitigation and adaptation programs.