Pathways to global coordination in space weather: International organizations, initiatives, and space agencies
This paper is the second part of two papers on global coordination in space weather. In this paper the activities of established and emerging international organizations and initiatives related to space weather research and operations are introduced. As shown in the accompanying paper “Global Landscape of Space Weather Observations, Research and Operations”, most of instrumentations for space environment monitoring are operated by each country.
On the other hand, it is necessary to integrate the global observation to detect space weather phenomena, and it is essential to coordinate among nations for data sharing, set standard formats and protocols, fill observational gaps, etc. There are multiple international organizations and other actors in the field of space weather, and they have their own purposes and goals. In 2022, three international organizations, WMO, ISES and COSPAR reached an agreement to explore pathways to increased coordination of activities. There is also an emerging movement by various space agencies that fund space weather research missions to establish a forum to share plans and foster discussions leading to possible collaborations that advance understanding and enable progress of space weather operations and applications.