Political economy of 2020 landslides, road construction and disaster risk reduction in Nepal
This Political Economy Analysis (PEA) focuses on the drivers of political behaviour, who the main “winners” and “losers” are, and the implications for development strategies, policies, and programs in terms of landslide hazards. The causal factors of landslides extend beyond the obvious natural reasons. Thus, it is necessary to understand the political economy context that enlightens the landslide hazards differently. This PEA unpacks the interests and incentives of different groups while examining the dynamic interactions among social, political, economic, and natural systems. It does so by focusing on 2020 landslide disasters and also looks into historical landslide events, the science behind slope failure, and the nation’s response to landslides. Specifically, it examines the linkage between landslides and road construction in Nepal applying a mixed analysis of technical and political economy perspectives.
This PEA offers recommendations in the areas of:
- Data and information;
- planning approaches;
- engagement and dialogue;
- capacity building; and
- risk sensititve land use.