A rapid overview of natural disaster risks on islands project partners: available data in early 2013
The purpose of this note is to provide an overview of the impact of four main types of hazards (cyclones, floods, droughts, earthquakes or tsunamis) on the ISLAND project partners (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, La Reunion, Zanzibar). This note was established prior to the launching of the joint UNISDR/IOC programme to acquire a deeper knowledge of the impact of future catastrophes in the region.
This report presents results on the risk assessment for the above-mentioned hazards in a context of climate change and sea level rise, it provides results that undoubtedly confirm a likely increase of extreme events such as heat waves drought and heavy precipitation. It also analyzes the existing databases on perils and disaster costs with available information on natural disasters impact in the IOC and presents a comparison table on the economic impact on top 10 disasters since 1980 for ISLAND project partners.