A review of disaster risk management for fragility, conflict and violence countries in the World Bank portfolio: Fiscal Years 2012–2022
This portfolio review aims to contribute to the objective to help low- and middle-income countries understand and reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change. More specifically, the report aims to i) assess financing trends in World Bank (WBG) Disaster Risk Management (DRM) activities in Fragility, Conflict and Violence (FCV) countries over the fiscal year (FY) period 2012–2022, ii) understand key challenges for operational teams; identify and disseminate lessons and best practices, and iii) recommend ways to inform the GFDRR’s work on the Disaster FCV Nexus and integrate the nexus into WBG operations.
To address the current gaps in operational and technical capacity for the disaster-FCV nexus that will support the scaling-up of DRM investments in FCV countries, and leveraging more development finance for disaster resilience work in FCV settings, here are some ways forward:
- Secure strategic buy-in and institutional action on the disaster-FCV nexus by integrating the theme into WBG processes and products:
- Explicitly consider the disaster-FCV nexus within the operational/project cycle: design, implementation, project closure and sustainability:
- Establish technical support for inclusion, learning and accountability: