RIMA-II: Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis - II
Analysing resilience for better targeting and action
Resilience measurement and analysis are critical for formulating evidence-based policy, programmes and investments for food security. Since 2008, FAO has been at the forefront of efforts to measure resilience to food insecurity and has pioneered the development and use of the Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA), a quantitative approach that enables a rigorous analysis of how households cope with shocks and stressors.
This document introduces RIMA-II, the technical evolution of the FAO Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) tool. RIMA was completely and deeply revised by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) team; it was technically cleared by a restricted group of high-profile experts. RIMA-II will integrate the old version of RIMA with breakpoint and will guarantee extended analysis and new tools for measuring resilience.