Rising to a new challenge: a protocol for case-study research on transboundary climate risk
This work demonstrates why the transboundary nature of climate risk requires a distinct analytical approach and proposes a seven-step guide that aims to facilitate the exploration of transboundary climate risk through case-study-based research for adaptation. Domestic climate risks continue to dominate the field of climate change research, translating into a significant blind spot in adaptation planning and action. Without the provision of practical guidance - to equip researchers with approaches and tools specifically designed to analyze the transboundary and systemic nature of climate risk - adaptation action will fail to offer sufficient protection against the full range of risks climate change presents.
The paper built a case - first, that transboundary climate risks are distinct (in character and analytical treatment) from the domestic climate risks that have been the traditional subjects of case-study research for adaptation, and second, that the climate risk frameworks that have evolved to assess direct climate risks have significant strengths but also various challenges when applied to transboundary climate risks.