Saint Lucia’s sectoral adaptation strategy and action plan for the water sector (Water SASAP) 2018-2028
Saint Lucia’s Sectoral Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan for the Water Sector (Water SASAP) 2018-2028 seeks to reduce water-related risks induced by climate change and climate variability. The plan also aims to build the capacities of relevant actors for ensuring the sustainable management of water resources and services under current and future climatic conditions. The Water SASAP, funded with the support of the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership (J-CCCP), builds on previous efforts and projects, and is the product of an in-depth contextual analysis and search for potential effective solutions to the country’s water-related challenges under a changing climate.
The plan consists of 70 adaptation measures deemed critical for improving water resource and service management, and for reducing water-mediated climate change impacts in the country. The measures, endorsed by relevant stakeholders, offer solutions to information, technical, institutional, financial, regulatory and policy limitations hampering adaptation in the water sector. In the Water SASAP, the adaptation measures are grouped under 13 strategic objectives and contribute to these four major expected outcomes:
- - An enhanced enabling environment and improved behaviour for water-related climate adaptation action
- - Increased water access, availability and quality
- - Increased water efficiency and conservation
- - Strengthened preparedness to climate variability and extremes