South Asia - Climate change risks in water management
Climate risks and solutions: Adaptation frameworks for water resources planning, development and management in South Asia
This summary report is part of the first phase of a two phased South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI) Technical Assistance (TA) project – Climate Risks and Solutions: Adaptation Frameworks for Water Resources Planning and Management in South Asia – to assess opportunities for adaptation to climate change in the water sector in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
By assessing available evidence and mapping the landscape of existing knowledge and policy approaches in South Asia, while keeping in mind key socio-economic and institutional contexts, this summary report informs public debate on climate change and water resources management in South Asia and provide valuable inputs to effective decision making. The hope is that the guidance and recommendations offered by the wider project will enable South Asian governments and societies to enhance their capacities for building resilience to further climate change and ensure a more sustainable and secure future for the whole region.