South-South cooperation between Pacific and Caribbean SIDS on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management
This interim project report illustrates some of the main achievements to date regarding the following outputs: (i) identification, documentation and dissemination of best practices on integrated climate change adaptation and disaster management specific to the SIDS context; (ii) transfer and exchange of technologies currently being used by SIDS for effective, equitable and appropriate disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, between the Pacific and the Caribbean regions; and (iii) disaster risk management and climate change adaptation included in the broader development agenda through support for national action planning, mainstreaming and advocacy work in the Pacific and Caribbean regions and countries.
It includes examples from different countries on catastrophe risk insurance, traditional food preservation techniques in preparation for cyclone season, landslide mitigation, flood warning system, community‐based disaster preparedness, gender mainstreaming in disaster risk management, and post‐disaster damage and loss assessment. among others. It also highlights some of the upcoming activities for 2011.