In Bangladesh’s current context of development spree, it is very important to formulate and implement development plans taking into consideration the disaster risk management factors. With that aim, disaster risk management has been incorporated into all the development plans, including the Fifth Five Year Plans, Delta Plan 2100, and National Strategic Plans.
The SOD-2019 has taken into serious consideration and complies with the commitments pledged in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and other international agreements and charters. Disaster risk management in Bangladesh has been recognized as a ‘Role Model’ for the world in reducing the loss of lives and property in disasters such as cyclones and floods.
Together with the continuing action for enhancing resilience to various disasters including earthquakes, landslides, lightning, fires, chemical accidents, and epidemics, preparedness and response activities have to be further strengthened. Disaster-related modern concepts, technical knowledge, and methodology have been reflected in this updated version. Responsibilities and functions of all the stakeholders starting from the national level to local government institutions have been spelled out in these Standing Orders.
From now on, all the institutions will have to formulate and implement plans by incorporating disaster risk management in their activities. Participation of all stakeholders in disaster risk management is essential. In the spirit of ‘Leaving No One Behind,’ the SOD ensures inclusion of all stakeholders, and underscore the participation of women, children, elderly people, and persons with disabilities in all stages of disaster risk management.
A more comprehensive and inclusive model has been adopted which is nationally and internationally accepted, in place of the traditional disaster management model for disaster risk reduction, response preparedness, emergency response, and recovery. In the international arena, gender and social inclusion models have received greater recognition and acceptance. In this context, Bangladesh is committed to implementing gender and socially inclusive disaster risk management framework, at the local and national levels in alignment with regional and international frameworks beginning from the Yokohama Strategy to the Hyogo Framework of Action and now the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.