Tonga: Joint national action plan 2 on climate change and disaster risk management (JNAP 2) 2018-2028
This report discusses how in 2010, Tonga developed its first Joint National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaption and Disaster Risk Management (JNAP 1). This was a first for the Pacific Islands region. It makes a lot of sense for Tonga to continue an integrated approach to address climate change and disasters. Tonga’s high exposure to both is reflected in the fact that Tonga is ranked as one of the most at risk countries in the world according to the annual 2016 World Risk Report. Additionally, as a small Pacific island nation with limited human and financial resources, Tonga needs to be as efficient as possible in the development and implementation of responses.
An important recent development was the Tonga Climate Change Policy, which was approved by Cabinet in February 2016. A key requirement in the formulation of this policy was to ensure alignment with the new JNAP 2. In essence, the JNAP 2 is aimed at achieving the Mission and Goals of the Tonga Climate Change Policy. The Mission of the policy and for the JNAP 2 is: To develop a resilient Tonga through an inclusive participatory approach that is based on good governance, builds knowledgeable, proactive communities and supports a strong development pathway.
The objectives of the JNAP2 were:
- Mainstreaming for a Resilient Tonga;
- Implement a Coordinated Approach to Research, Monitoring and Management of Data and Information;
- Resilience-building response capacity;
- Resilience Building Actions;
- Finance;
- Regional and International Cooperation.
JNAP 2 is structured in the following sections:
- Section 1: National Circumstances and climate change vulnerabilities;
- Section 2: Lessons learnt from Tonga JNAP 1;
- Section 3: Tonga JNAP 2 Development Process;
- Section 4: The Tonga JNAP 2;
- Section 5: Implementation Strategy;
- Section 6: Tonga JNAP 2 linkages to national, regional and international frameworks;