Trends in sustainable development: Small Island Developing States
This report reviews the progress made in addressing the vulnerabilities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through the the Mauritius Strategy (MSI). It highlights key developments and recent trends for SIDS in a number of areas, including disaster management and climate change. The disaster management chapter asserts that, while natural hazards have been increasing in frequency and intensity, their social and economic impacts are especially pronounced in SIDS, which economies have suffered long term consequences from 'natural' disasters. As a consequence, it points out that disaster risk reduction initiatives are lagging in many SIDS and reviews the progress made in implementing the Hyogo Framework of Action.
It presents those themes for which sufficient statistical data has been found to be available, comparable among all three SIDS regions (i.e., Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS), and reflective of clear trends that illustrate the uniqueness of SIDS. The report notes progress in a number of areas while, at the same time, acknowledging that significant further efforts will be needed to advance implementation of the intergovernmentally agreed goals outlined in the MSI, as well as those set forth in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).