WMO/ESCAP panel on tropical cyclones: annual review 2002
The first publication of WMO/ESCAP Panel Annual Review was for the year 1997. This is the sixth publication of the Review. Efforts have been made to make it a useful document through which we can realise the scope for further improvement of our warning system. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) are given full credit for
supporting and playing the major role in disaster mitigation efforts in Asia and the governments of the Member Countries which are extending their full participation in the programme. In continuing efforts to improve the disaster warning system, further programmes would include not only an improved technical know-how and facilities but also enhanced public education in terms of knowledge and understanding of the nature and impacts of cyclones and floods, warning systems and appropriate disaster counter measures. The basic aim of the Panel is to improve the contents of cyclone warnings and to devise methods for quick dissemination of cyclone warning messages, flood advisories and to ensure their availability to the general public, so as to be of maximum benefit.