Working together: partnerships for DRR
This paper is the sixth in a series providing an introduction to key discussions around disaster risk reduction (DRR). It explore the need for diverse partnerships for effective risk reduction, following the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction held in May 2013, where thousands of delegates from around the world agreed on key elements for the next international framework for disaster risk reduction.
The paper asserts that developing awareness and strategies for reduction of disaster risk is a shared responsibility, which requires cooperation between governments, civil society and private sector. It notes that a broad network of stakeholders with a common understanding of the importance of DRR will be required in the years ahead.
Detailed questions covered include: (i) joining forces for disaster risk reduction; (ii) sharing a culture of risk reduction; (iii) developing new approaches for addressing risk; (iv) horizontal and vertical cooperation models; (v) approaching partnerships with open eyes; and (vi) sharing information and learning. Finally, the paper summarizes the key messages and proposes further reading. This is the last issue of the VOICE series on disaster risk reduction.