2012 Assessing school safety from disasters a global baseline report
ISDR Thematic Platform for Knowledge and Education 2012:
This desk review revisits existing reports about all aspects of school safety, gathered from 81 countries, and refers to the key advocacy and guidance documents for school safety of the past 7 years to develop an analysis that reflects the best practices in achieving the goals of comprehensive school safety, and current concerns and recommendations of advocates and practitioners.
The Analysis section of this report draws from the wide range of reports and case studies and lessons learned from the practices of the past few years. It has afforded an opportunity to summarize many of the strengths and opportunities as well as the weaknesses and threats found in this literature. Illustrative examples and selected good practices are also provided to help in understanding the current state of the art. Results of the analysis suggest that an initial flurry of activity to produce outputs, is now ready to yield to a more substantive focus on school safety outcomes.
Key Committment to Outcomes include: (i) Assessment; (ii) Safe school facilities; (iii) School disaster management; (iv) Disaster risk reduction in school curricula.