Assessing gender in resilience programming: Burkina Faso
This case study is one of four commissioned by BRACED to assess the links between resilience and gender in partners’ projects. It documents approaches used to promote gender equality within the Zaman Lebidi project, as well as the latent challenges and opportunities in this process.
The case study has been written by practitioners and reflect on their own gender-sensitive practices. The objective is to compare experiences with other case-studies (Myanmar and Uganda) with the aim to inform other organisations implementing resilience-based programmes on the lessons and promising practices to mainstream gender equality.
One of the key messages of this publication is that to enhance gender dimensions within a project, it is essential to:
- incorporate gender-specific activities into the budget;
- hold a dedicated gender workshop for staff at the beginning of the project;
- write a gender check-list to guide project activities;
- involve men in community- and household-level discussions on behaviours and attitute to women;
- nominate gender champions across different areas of the project.