Building resiliency in the Pacific: How ADB is addressing climate change and disaster risks
This publication descibes Asian Development Bank (ADB) efforts to support member countries in the Pacific in addressing climate change and disaster risks.
ADB's Pacific operations cover 14 developing member countries (DMCs). In support of the Pacific DMCs, ADB is mainstreaming climate change adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk management into its operations. ADB is doing this in several ways, including:
- climate-proofing investments by building roads, bridges, ports, and airports to stronger specifications;
- strengthening country safeguard and disaster risk management systems;
- expanding renewable energy and energy efficiency measures;
- supporting efforts to track and respond to health impacts resulting from climate change;
- building drought resilience by improving the reliability of water sources and supplies; and
- helping the Pacific DMCs respond, recover, and rebuild in the aftermath of disasters.