Supporting the uptake of low cost resilience for properties at risk of flooding
This project aims to identify barriers and propose solutions to promote low cost measures that would make properties at flood risk more resilient to damage from flood waters in the UK. The objectives set for the project were to:
- Provide evidence for a package of measures that would make properties more resilient to damage, through identifying the evidence, gathering best practice and generating case studies of flood repairable measures.
- Generate understanding of the behaviour of households and the property support network (PSN) and their interaction, through exploring the perceptions of a wide range of property professionals, damage management experts, support networks, householders and small businesses and their interactions.
- Design innovative practices (compared to those commonly used) to exploit opportunities to increase awareness and take up of measures, by exploring pathways to uptake and the theories of change.
- Demonstrate these innovations (designed with the cooperation of a wide range of property professionals, flood experts and selected households and businesses) in one community, to evaluate their potential.
- Summarise the lessons learned from the demonstration and evaluation of the outcomes from the community trial phase, and derive proposals for addressing gaps or new needs identified through the project.
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Country and region
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Number of pages
169 p.
Publication year