Chilling prospects: providing sustainable cooling for all
This report is the first to define and quantify the magnitude of the cooling access challenge, including an assessment of countries facing the biggest risks, measured by extreme heat, food losses, and damaged or destroyed vaccines and medicines. The report illustrates the social and economic risks of ignoring the challenge and the enormous economic and business opportunities of a concerted effort to provide sustainable cooling.
The report identifies nine countries with the biggest populations facing significant cooling-related risks, including five in Asia, three in Africa, and one in Latin America. India has the largest number of people facing risks across all dimensions. India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Sudan, and Mozambique have the most significant rural populations facing health risks, food and nutrition security, as well as challenges to human productivity. China, India, Nigeria, Brazil, and Pakistan have the most significant slum-dweller populations facing risks. India—followed by Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Brazil—has the largest population at risk of buying the least efficient appliances.