Private-sector action in adaptation: Perspectives on the role of micro, small and medium size enterprises
The UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP) ‘Perspectives’ Series is a series of publications produced by UDP to share expert and practitioners’ opinions and experiences on emerging topics related to climate change. This latest volume shares diverse and original perspectives, insights and reflections on the role and prospects for the private sector to build climate change resilience. It focuses especially on the perspectives of micro-, small and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries, which are particularly vulnerable to climate change, and presents thirteen individual articles from a wide range of experts and practitioners dedicated to this emerging but growing area of work.
A further aim of this publication is to lay the groundwork for a greater focus on one particular group of businesses, MSMEs, in the area of adaptation and to encourage greater international attention and debate regarding their particular needs. By gathering insights and experience from leading experts from different fields and backgrounds, the aspiration of this volume is thus to kick-start consideration of this topic and anchor it at the academic, political and practical levels in order to reach beyond the usual siloed thinking that is characteristic of this area of research.