Technical deep dive on seismic risk and resilience summary report
This technical deep dive (TDD), held on March 12–16, 2018, the Seismic Risk and Resilience Technical Deep Dive (TDD) brought together officials from Bangladesh, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Myanmar, Nepal, Peru, and the Philippines with World Bank project team leaders and key Japanese and international experts.
The TDD aimed to inform countries’ ongoing and planned investments and focused on identifying solutions to key challenges faced by participants.
This summary walks through the TDD, and follows with some key takeaways.
1. Risk assessments should be directly linked to policy making and development planning.
2. Effective seismic monitoring and alert systems require multi-stakeholder coordination.
3. To communicate earthquake risk to the public, a sustained and multi-tiered approach should be taken.
4. Risk information should be integrated into the management of infrastructure across its life cycle, as well as into spatial planning generally.
5. Governments should prioritize investment into building regulatory capacity at the local/ municipal level.