Integrated risk management: Advocacy training manual
This manual aims to provide an overarching guide for delivering training on Integrated Risk Management (IRM) and particularly to strengthen the capacity to advocate IRM in the programme countries of PfR in the Horn of Africa. The methodology and tools presented in this manual build on the practical approaches to IRM developed by the PfR programme in the Greater Horn of Africa as well as the expertise on disaster risk reduction, ecosystems management and restoration and climate change adaptation from PfR Alliance members.
The objectives of this manual are to:
- Facilitate a common understanding of IRM concepts and practice among PfR Alliance members and partners.
- Provide guidance for facilitators, particularly of PfR Alliance members and partners, to train broader civil society and other stakeholders on IRM concepts and practice as well as IRM advocacy skills.
- Provide tools for practitoners and advocates to enhance advocacy capacity to integrate IRM in policy and practice.
Expected outcomes of using this training manual are:
- To have a harmonized understanding of IRM among the PfR Alliance and partners.
- Higher level of knowledge and capacity of people trained to work with IRM.
- Higher level of integration of IRM at the institutional level of civil society and among other stakeholders trained.
This manual is presented in a flexible format so that it may be adapted to suit different audiences in different contexts. It is not a stand alone publication but part of a package of resources needed to deliver the training. Relevant resources to be used alongside this manual are available in the Resource Booklet, and PowerPoints are available in the PfR online library, accessible here.