Landslide preparedness guidelines for safety of buildings on slopes
Landslides are the most commonly occurring hazard in north and north-eastern Himalaya, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats and Vindhyan, India. It takes massive toll of human lives and lead to huge economical losses every year besides damages to environment, resources infrastructure and services. The need of the hour is to be prepared to minimise the incidences and impacts of landslides. To begin with causes of landslides, their characteristics and impacts are to be understood so that steps for mitigation could be followed accordingly.
The moderation steps include checking for slope failure, soil erosion, rising ground water levels, drainage problems and check for building failure including foundations. The importance of the individual level in extenuation has to be realised and collective synergized steps can be followed easily or brought into action through authorities, planners and developers.
There are various materials used for construction purposes in hilly areas, but the most important part is following the proper steps for construction so that it could prove to be beneficial in the long run and, particularly when disaster strikes.There are some basic things that can be observed before landslides and acts as a warning signs for the individuals. Some do’s and don’ts especially for the people living in hilly areas can be followed in pre, during and post landslide phases.