Narok county flood early warning communication strategy
A fundamental precondition for flood disaster risk reduction at the county level is the availability of well-functioning early warning communication systems that deliver accurate, reliable, and understandable warnings, in a timely manner, to authorities, operational disaster managers and populations at risk, to enable early actions to reduce the impacts of potential disasters. Such systems must rely on commitment, collaboration, coordination, and information sharing among different stakeholders, at different levels (international, regional, national, local). However, the ability to establish a well-functioning flood early warning system, there is need for the developments of proper early warning communication that will ensure that timely early warning information reach out to relevant authorities, stakeholders, and communities at risk. This communication strategy will offer the broad framework that guides communication on the flood early warning information and identifies the issues that need to be addressed to build understanding and generate support for the effective communication. The issues were discussed by stakeholders and led to development of tree problem on early warning communication. Therefore, the establishment of this flood early warning communication strategy for Narok County is to improve the dissemination of timely early warning messages to communities at risk and also to promote the use of effective and reliable channels of communications.