Climate resilient public private partnerships: A toolkit for decision makers
This “Toolkit for Climate Resilient Infrastructure PPP” and the accompanying report “Improving Climate Resilience in Public-Private Partnerships in Jamaica” are the result of an 18-month project of the Climate Change Division at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in collaboration with the Public-Private Partnership team at Development Bank of Jamaica and IMG Rebel. The aim has always been to provide PPP professionals in the Caribbean Region, with pragmatic, practical solutions to integrate the assessment of climate risks and resiliency opportunities in the preparation of infrastructure projects through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
The toolkit has captured several instruments already used to address climate change issues in the context of infrastructure production albeit not always in a systematic way that could be integrated into the PPP process in a more institutionalized and standardized manner, identifying options for a low-cost and seamless implementation in a Resilient PPP model. The toolkit is organized into four sections, according to the four main steps of a PPP process. Each of the four sections includes a series of decision support tools to help project planners think about embedding climate-resilience considerations into the PPP development process:
- Climate resilience in the PPP Project Identification Stage (p. 18);
- Climate resilience in the PPP business case stage (p. 45);
- Climate resilience in the PPP transaction stage (p. 91);
- Climate resilience in the PPP contract management stage (p. 138).