Solid ground: Increasing community resilience through improved land administration and geospatial information systems
This report sheds light on how different pillars of the land management process can be linked to increased resilience of communities. The report concludes that:
- Planning for disaster events and mitigating their impact requires accurate geospatial information, as do recovery and reconstruction programs.
- Reliable land administration systems generate information about property rights that enable those displaced by disasters to return to their homes, farms, and businesses, and for those who lose their property or have to be resettled to receive the compensation they need to start over again.
- Secure property rights encourage investments that promote resilience such as stronger construction.
- Reliable land administration systems can control actions that can increase the impact of disasters, such as inappropriate land uses and development, deforestation, and encroachment on water channels and floodplains and evacuation routes.
- Accurate valuations enhance insurance schemes and facilitate funding through taxation and borrowing that can finance investment in resilience.
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Number of pages
85 p.
Publication year