Preliminary rapid gender analysis of monsoon flood 2020
Of the 3.3 million people affected in 21 Districts in Bangladesh, more than 50% are women and girls (1.7 million); of them 84,195 are Female Headed Households and 101,000 are pregnant women; and 1.6 lac are girls aged between 5 and 18. These are the most vulnerable groups to food insecurity, gender based violence’s and inaccessibility to essential services.
Gender Based Violence has been in the upward trend since March this year due to COVID and lock down conditions. Flood has only aggravated the situation; 80% of the people are displaced and living in other places, either in organized or makeshift shelters or some neighbors and relatives’ houses.
Flood has worsened situation for those who had already lost livelihood due to COVID-19. Women and girls including Female Headed Households who rely on livelihood practices like poultry, livestock, vegetable cultivation, tailoring have no collaterals to recover.
The Joint Need Assessment shows 11% of the Unions indicated maternal health care as a topmost priority. The health care system has broken-down putting the lives of pregnant mothers and infant at risk.
This rapid gender analysis (RGA) based on preliminary findings from Need Assessment Working Group’s (NAWG) preliminary impact and need assessment (referred as JNA) and secondary available gender statistics call for a coordinated, inclusive and gender responsive humanitarian response. Broadly this RGA suggests to take immediate actions to mitigate GBV and protection risks of the most vulnerable groups; ensure food security and financial support for the targeted vulnerable groups and provide lifesaving essential services e.g. sexual and reproductive health care facility, safe shelters etc.