Climate risk in Africa: Adaptation and resilience
This book brings to life the opportunities for promoting development that is resilient, inclusive and sustainable in the African context. Chapters variously address the distillation of climate information, co-production of decision-relevant knowledge, and approaches trialled under FCFA to support improved use of climate information in planning and decisions that enable resilience and adaptation.
The content is relevant for a wide audience. We encourage other researchers to read this book as it gives insights for Africa’s climate risks, mitigation and adaptation measures that the continent requires us to act upon. For climate scientists, this book gives innovative distillation of cli- mate risks and guidance on interactions with users to increase usefulness and usability. Policymakers and decision-makers will have to take climate risks into account and adapt to climate impacts if humanitarian and devel- opment goals are to be realised and sustained. For them, this book pro- vides decision contexts and the climate information required to contribute to climate-resilient development, including under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, as many countries commence the process of revising their Nationally Determined Contributions.