Serbian - National Disaster Risk Management Program
As a result of extraordinary rains in May 2014, Serbia was affected by the most severe flooding in 120 years. The disaster affected more than 1.6 million people (22 percent of the total population) in 38 municipalities in central and western Serbia. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, the government conducted a post disaster needs assessment with support from the European Union, United Nations, and the World Bank Group. This assessment focused on estimating the damages and losses caused by the event, as well as the financial needs related to recovery and reconstruction. The objective of the national disaster risk management program (NDRMP) is to support the Government of Serbia to build a comprehensive program for disaster resilience. This program will be used as an umbrella framework to coordinate, channel funds, and implement activities related to reducing and managing risks in Serbia. The program will help mobilize international donor funding, facilitate coordination across donors and key stakeholders, and ensure that financing will be directed to prioritized investments.