Building and strengthening community capacities through inclusive CDRM: Increasing community resilience to climate-induced shocks in Somalia
This report provides an overview of the project, its achievements and key lessons learned. It also describes further issues that the ongoing project should address in the next months. Extreme weather conditions have been increasing in Somalia, including both droughts and torrential rains that bring widespread flooding. In 2020 alone, periodic flooding has displaced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes and damaged or destroyed crops, houses, livestock, food supplies, and even infrastructure such as roads and airports, while increasing risks from communicable diseases, including COVID-19.
Supported by Cities Alliance Innovation and Climate Change programmes, through the Innovation Programme Call for Proposals 2020, Action for Women and Children Concern (AWCC), aims to increase resilience to climate-induced shocks for 55,000 vulnerable people in the Marka district of the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia, through the use of a unique SMS alert/early warning system tailored to local seasonal calendars.