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009 Call for Proposals: School Safety Programme Towards Culture of Disaster Prevention in Korea

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2020 Call for Proposals (Grants out)

UNDRR is the United Nations’ focal point for the coordination of disaster risk reduction, working with countries and a broad range of partners and stakeholders to support the implementation, monitoring and review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in coherence with the 2030 Agenda and other instruments, for the multihazard management of disaster risk in development and the substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses.

UNDRR issues grants, in line with UN Financial Regulations and Rules, to apolitical and not profit-making organisations to facilitate, implement, or carry out activities related to UNDRR’s and the partner’s mandates and work programmes.

To this end, UNDRR invites not profit-making organisations to submit grant proposals that focus on the project described below.

Project title:  Implementation of the School Safety Programme Towards Culture of Disaster Prevention in Korea


In March 2015, Member States of the United Nations have adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in Sendai, Japan. The Sendai Framework establishes children and youth as agents of change who must be given the opportunity to shape policies and programmes for risk reduction. Disaster Risk Reduction and education is critical to build resilient communities and a culture of safety.

Based on the Comprehensive school safety to support the implementation of the Sendai Framework, UNDRR Office for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training institute developed the School Safety Programme Towards a Culture of Disaster Prevention in Korea with implementing support from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety and the Incheon Metropolitan City of the Republic of Korea.

Disaster Risk Reduction Education in Korea

With the absence of a basic manual, Korean elementary schools face great difficulties to provide effective disaster risk reduction education. Particularly, systematic education is needed for elementary school students as they are very unfamiliar with disaster safety and response.

There are significant limitations in time and space with existing disaster safety education which mostly consists of simple theories or one-time field education. Thus, UNDRR ONEA & GETI’s School Safety Program needs to be implemented nationwide to establish a firm understanding of disaster risk reduction, emphasize disaster prevention, and engage students in learning.

UNDRR ONEA & GETI’s School Safety Program is an education program for disaster safety and prevention, specifically designed with consideration of the Korean students and environment which contains various elements that can trigger the students’ interest.


The purpose of this grant is to contribute to the work of United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction in Northeast Asia by scaling up UNDR ONEA-GETI School Safety Programme: Towards a Culture of Prevention in Korea through the collaboration of an implementer partner, it aims to raise the level of awareness of disaster safety to children, and develop elementary school teachers’ capacities to utilize the program on their own, so as to spread the program.   


The School Safety Programme in Korea will raise the level of awareness of disaster safety to children and develop elementary school teachers’ capacities on disaster risk reduction leading to sustainable disaster risk reduction education in elementary schools in Korea.


  • Conduct 250 sessions of training (approximately 50 schools)
  • Provide education to 5,000 students (20 students per class on average)
  • Train 100 teachers from 20 elementary schools

Suggested activities:

Activity 1. Organize and attend training of trainer’s program organized by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction ONEA-GETI

To facilitate the delivery of UNDRR ONEA & GETI School Safety Programmes in Korea, the agency will organize pre-training meetings with UNDRR ONEA & GETI. This will ensure that substantive knowledge on DRR is well acquired to deliver the programme and a pool of resource persons are fully trained on the programme. ONEA-GETI will provide in detailed training of trainer’s program to the resource persons in advance to ensure training quality.

Activity 2. Selection of Schools

To facilitate training effectiveness, the agency will identify the schools and conduct the following tasks:

  • Liaise between local education authorities, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Ministry of Education and other relevant agencies
  • Forward official documents to all elementary schools regarding the educational program at each local government level
  • Forward letter of notice to teachers in participating elementary schools for refresher training. It includes priority selection criteria (“schools with demand for refresher training are given priorities upon selection of schools”) to encourage application
  • Selection of schools: Pilot-training for 50 elementary schools using UNDRR School Safety Program

Activity 3. Conduct UNDRR ONEA & GETI’s School Safety Programme in selected schools

The Agency assumes the responsibility to deliver 250 sessions in total / 5,000 students (20 students per class on average)

  • Period: September ~ November 2020
  • Target: Elementary school students
  • Time: 2 hours per session


  • First period: Establish the concept of disaster-related terminology, introduction to disaster knowledge and the need for disaster safety education (foreign case studies), discussions
  • Second period: Riskland game, Hazard Bingo to engage students into learning
  • Conduct a survey and collect education confirmations at the end of the session

UNDRR ONEA and GETI will provide resource persons as necessary.

Activity 4. Organize Training for teachers (TOT)

UNDRR ONEA and GETI will provide training for teachers.

  • Proposed number of instructors : 20 schools / 100 instructors
  • Time: 2 hours per session
  • Training conducted by UNDRR ONEA
  • Develop teachers’ capacity to conduct their own School Safety Program in their schools
  • Initially target 100 teachers from 20 elementary schools for pilot- training, and gradually increase the pool in the future years
  • Provide education materials for School Safety Program to schools that have completed    the training

Activity 5. Survey result and analysis

After Activity 4, school teachers will be equipped with the knowledge on disaster risk reduction and how to integrate disaster risks reduction into school curriculum.

Conduct satisfaction surveys from the teachers and look for areas of improvements.

Teachers will fill out education confirmation for result analysis, and reflect in the future programs


Elements specific to the project that the grantee should know: (i.e. – workshops and trainings not considered in the proposal):

Detailed activities and implementation plan proposed should take the COVID-19 situation into full consideration. Prevention and safety measures set by the Korean Government and schools for COVID-19 must be fully observed by all implementing staff and COVID-19 contingency plan should be explicitly stated in the proposal to ensure that the project can be fully delivered by the specified time period.

Budget and administrative-related aspects: USD 25,000

The duration of the proposed project cannot exceed 3 months and not to exceed 31 December 2020. The maximum amount requested from UNDRR for the implementation of this project cannot exceed 25,000 USD. The project proposal must not exceed 10 pages (attachments such as scanned copies of entity’s registration, CVs of staff etc. do not count). 

For this purpose, please fill in duly all the sections of the application form, include the required documents (scanned copy of NGO/IGO’s registration certificate, CVs of staff etc.) and budget excel sheets, and send the complete application package (application form, budget excel sheets, entity registration certificate, CVs of staff, etc) to the following email address: [email protected]

cc:   [email protected]

Reference: 009 Call for Proposals School Safety Programme Towards Culture of Disaster Prevention in Korea

Deadline for applications: 15 September 2020 midnight New York, USA EST (Eastern Standard Time). Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.

Projects’ activities can include, amongst others, the following:

  • seminars, workshops, trainings;
  • capacity building activities;
  • institutional strengthening activities and
  • advocacy

The following types of activity will not be covered:

  • capital expenditure, e.g. land, buildings, equipment and vehicles;
  • individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
  • supporting political parties; and
  • sub-contracting

Due to the number of applications, only short-listed applicants will be notified.

Please note that the grant payment schedule will be determined with the selected grantee when finalizing the agreement.  UNDRR standard practice is:  not to exceed 40% of the requested amount upon signature of the grant agreement; remaining payments made based on a schedule of payments linked to production of project milestones and the final payment, 20%, will be paid after the end of the project, once final documents have been received, verified and approved by UNDRR.

Refund of grants: UNDRR may request organizations to refund, either in part or in whole any amounts paid in respect of a grant when:

  • the project was not implemented in full or in part;
  • the grant was spent for ineligible expenditures other than those mentioned in the budget proposal submitted to, and approved by UNDRR;
  • no narrative, financial or audit report was submitted within the deadline established by the grant agreement;
  • a narrative report and/or a financial report submitted was determined to be unsatisfactory;
  • a negative evaluation of the project by UNDRR;
  • any other valid reason provided by the UNDRR.

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