European forum for disaster risk reduction: Call for 2021 EFDRR session organizing teams
True to its multi-stakeholder spirit, we are pleased to invite you to shape the discussions and outcomes of the 2021 EFDRR by being part of the organizing team for the plenary or working sessions.
The Session Organizing Teams (SOT) consist in multi-stakeholder mechanisms that will shape the sessions and generate discussions and outcomes of the 2021 European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR). The SOTs will be established on the basis of the agenda and priorities agreed by the Member States Working Group on EFDRR concept and agenda.
To join the Session Organizing Teams please follow the LINK
Composition of Organizing Teams
One SOT will be developed for each plenary session and working session and will require the participation of at least one national government. Each SOT will also include a relevant number of DRR stakeholders, such as non-governmental organizations, private sector entities; academia; United Nations Agencies, Programmes and Funds, civil society organizations, disaster risk reduction expert, and other partners.
Key principles applied for the constitution of Organizing Teams
- Gender balance
- Equitable representation among categories (governments, civil society, UN, academia, private sector, regional organizations)
- Equitable geographical distribution
- Different entities to be involved in different SOTs to ensure a breadth and diversity of expertise within the teams
After the SOT nominations are received, EFDRR Secretariat will form the teams following above principles and inform all the SOT members
Modalities of work
- SOT members will elaborate and design sessions, suggest speakers and overall format, develop content and plan expected outcomes.
As needed, SOTs may request support of the EFDRR Working Group and EFDRR secretariat (European Commission, Council of Europe, and UNDRR).
- To conduct their work, Organizing Teams may:
- Hold teleconferences or online meetings
- Engage and consult widely with relevant communities of practice for the topic concerned
Expected outputs from the organizing Teams
SOTs are expected to produce the following substantive documentation:
- A session concept note, including background and rationale on the topic, the session format, suggested speakers and guidance for speakers
- An issue brief outlining the state of art on the topic addressed by the session
- A collection of relevant resources and materials on the topic that can be used by speakers and participants