Urban and megacities disaster risk reduction: manual of sound practices
EMI Topical Report TR-07-02:
This manual and its online companion, the Megacities Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Base (MEGA-Know, www.emi-megacities.org/megaknow) comprise a risk communication tool set that aims to facilitate the understanding of disaster risk and vulnerabilities of megacities and large complex urban areas.
Divided into three chapters, the manual provides a clear-cut definition of a sound practice in disaster risk reduction in megacity context, including its principles, objectives and typologies. Moreover, it presents 15 selected sound practices from different EMI partner cities as illustrative examples of evidence-based disaster risk reduction. Each sound practice is discussed according to the following: type of hazard addressed, type of sound practice, summary, contribution to the Hyogo Framework for Action, description and relevance to practice.
The manual also contains the disaster risk management profile of selected cities in EMI’s network.