Toward a Canadian program for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction: a report from the Joint Committee of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Engineering
This report outlines a Canadian response to the Resolution proclaiming the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR). It summarizes the resources and responsibilities for emergency preparedness and disaster management in Canada, including the federal and provincial governments, the banks and insurance companies, the manufacturing and consulting industries, the utilities, the media, the universities and research institutions, and the humanitarian organizations. This report outlines the Canadian strengths which could make major contributions to the Decade, such as satellite surveillance, forest fire-fighting techniques, communications and engineering.
This report recommends that the Government of Canada proclaim Canada’s participation in the IDNDR and develop a program of action including the establishment of a National Committee. It proposes a constitution for the Canadian National Committee and the advantages for it being independent.