Stories of impact: building capacity for drought resilience in Tanzania
This document discusses a project in two disaster-vulnerable districts, Same and Kishapo, Tanzania. A grant enabled communities to learn to identify, address, and report on disaster risks and vulnerabilities.
The project illustrated how partnerships that include communities, central and local government, and other stakeholders are essential for successful DRR project implementation. Each stakeholder group contributes an important element for overall project success.
Combining awareness-raising activities with concrete resources and inputs to improve livelihoods is an effective approach. The project progressed from building the capacity of district and community leaders in disaster preparedness to the community level, where providing basic skills, inputs such as drought resistant seeds, and improved water infrastructure increased local resilience to weather-related disasters.
The report shows that with the experience gained from the initial project, participating regional officials also became better positioned to apply their knowledge in other districts in their regions’ respective communities.