Handbook on mitigating spatial relevant risks in European regions and towns
This handbook shares lessons learned from partners across the EU on risk assessment and risk management in spatial planning, taking into account relevant EU regulations. It describes the process steps of risk management and mitigation and offers practical tips.
This handbook was produced as part of the Mitigating Spatial Relevant Risks in European Regions and Towns (MiSRaR) project, which was co-financed by the ERDF and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme. MiSRaR addresses the issue of mitigating risks through multi-layer safety in general and the inclusion of risk assessment and risk management in spatial planning in particular. The goal of the project was to enable professionals in the field of risk management to learn from experiences in other parts of Europe. During the three years project time a starting conference, sixteen thematic seminars and a closing conference have been organized. The thematic seminars each dealt with one of the steps of the mitigation process. During these seminars knowledge and experiences were exchanged.