Disasters and cross-border displacement in Central America: Emerging needs, new responses: Outcome paper
This report summarizes the outcomes of the second Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation that took place from 2-4 December 2013 in San Jose, Costa Rica: “Disasters and Cross-Border Displacement in Central America: Emerging Needs, New Responses.”
The overall objective of the Central American Consultation was to identify specific challenges facing the Central American region related to cross-border displacement and disasters caused by natural hazards, and to develop concrete, practical, policy and programmatic outcomes in response to these challenges.
The Consultation identified five areas where action is needed:
- Disaster risk management: prevention of and preparedness for displacement
- Migration and border management in disaster contexts
- Protection during cross-border displacement in disaster contexts
- Durable solutions for cross-border displacement in disaster contexts
- International coordination and cooperation for cross-border displacement in disaster contexts