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Relationships are the starting point and the end goal of World Vision's work. World Vision's work will recognize and further build on the social capital of the communities including networks, trust relationships, shared values, access to resources, institutions, and many others. WVIDN does not impose solutions, resources, interventions and values on the communities, but shares them as appropriate to encourage and support local development processes and initiatives. It requires active participation and ownership of community members, in all aspects of their development, and reciprocal relationships, mutual accountability, shared decision-making, values and the development of capacity, critical awareness and community-based organizations. In Indonesia, World Vision is a member of several NGO networks and Government forums, which address social and economic issues at various levels.
- Child-focused and Community-based disaster risk management
- Community owned vulnerability and capacity assessment (COVACA)
- School-based disaster risk management
- Contextually integrating disaster risk reduction to all development program
1. Emergency Capacity Building (ECB)
2. AADMER (Asean Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response) Partnership Group
3. Humanitarian Forum Indonesia
4. Consortium for Disaster Education
5. Education cluster
Abby Mamesah ([email protected])
National DRR Coordinator
Billy Sumuan ([email protected])
Head of Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs
Mainstreaming DRR into all development program, building the capacity of organisation in Disaster Management. Supporting disaster management agency at local (district/provincial) and national level in developing contingency plan.
Applying community owned vulnerability and capacity assessment, working with local government institutions in developing early warning system.
Documentation and dissemination of printed materials and videos related to DRR better practices. Trainings on school based disaster management and community based DRR.
- Initiating land tenure advocacy related project in West Kalimantan, enabling local community with community-based land mapping.
- Food security initiatives in east nusa tenggara province.
Building organisation and local government capacity in preparedness, i.e.: conduct disaster simulation, establish national disaster management team (emergency response team), stockpiling non food items at several prepositioned warehouses across the country.
Facilitate villages in preparing their disaster preparedness plan (DPP).
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.