Postgraduate Module in Disaster Risk Studies
Academic programme part of the PeriPeri U (Partners Enhancing Resilience for People Exposed to Risk) consortium's academic activities.
This course makes part of Department of Geography’s Bachelor of Arts Honours Programme
While South Africa specifically, and southern Africa in general, are not internationally viewed as disaster-prone, rapid population growth, widespread socioeconomic vulnerability and environmental pressures have significantly increased disaster risk. This is reflected in severe drought impacts and flash flooding – along with growing rates of ‘small disasters’ in peri-urban and informal settlements, which inflict devastating losses on poor households. These trends suggest that in addition to improving early warning for, preparedness and response to disaster events, there is an equally pressing imperative to reduce the probability and severity of disaster occurrences through risk-sensitive development interventions.
Educational objectives:
This course provides students with an integrated understanding of disaster risk and its implications for sustainable development in southern Africa, with a specific focus on South Africa. The course contextualises disaster risk as an outcome of the interplay between
human and natural factors. It adopts an interdisciplinary perspective on disasters, taking into consideration both biophysical elements (hazards) and the social and economic forces that influence disaster vulnerability and resilience. Specific learning outcomes include:
- A clear understanding of the theoretical and applied disciplines that define disaster vulnerability and risk (including hazard science and the applied disciplines of disaster management, disaster loss and humanitarian assistance)
- An understanding of the nature, impact and underlying socioeconomic, political, environmental and infrastructural risk factors driving frequently occurring disasters in
southern Africa, including the roles of HIV/AIDS and climate variability
- A clear understanding of the patterns of urban and rural disaster risk in southern Africa
- Demonstrated capacity to integrate and synthesize different and complementary disaster risk perspectives
Programme structure:
The course comprises one 8-week module over one semester, and forms part of a full years’ Honours degree in Geography and Environmental Science. The course is divided into three main components:
- Introduction to Disaster Risk, including a conceptual, theoretical and historical overview of disaster risk science
- A focus on urban risk, examining at-risk areas, communities and households. Including a field excursion into at risk settlements to conduct a community risk assessment.
- Contemporary risks
Assessment & examination:
Assessment is by portfolio and examination.
-Disaster Risk science
-Urban risk
-Contemporary risks
Applicants should have a BA or BSc degree in the environmental or geographic sciences.
For application details please contact Patricia Zweig. Tel: +27 (0) 21 808 9282. Email:[email protected]
Honours Registration details: Marianne Cronje, Programme Coordinator. Tel: +27 (0) 21 808 3100. Email:[email protected]
Disaster Module Course Details: Patricia Zweig. Tel: +27 (0) 21 808 9282. Email:[email protected]