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Disaster risk management specialist

World Bank, the
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR)
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Background/general responsibilities

Country Context

Since the Kyrgyz Republic joined the World Bank in 1992, it has received commitments of US$ 1 billion for 48 IDA-funded projects, out of which US$ 809.5 million have been disbursed. To date, 28 operations for US$ 671.5 million have been completed and closed, and 20 projects for US$ 388.63 million are ongoing. From 1992 until 2000, the Kyrgyz portfolio had a significant focus on budget support. However, since 2001 there was a gradual shift towards investment projects. There have nonetheless been 2 budget support operations since July 2010 Donors Conference.

The FY11 Program was based on the findings of the Joint Economic Assessment and designed as the Bank's response to the emergency situation which the country faced in 2010. The Bank has allocated US$ 166 million of IDA resources to the Kyrgyz Republic since July 2010.

The Bank has recently prepared an Interim Strategy Note (ISN) which was discussed by the Board on August 2, 2011. This ISN covers the period of August 2011 to June 2013. The need for an interim strategy approach is understood by the current fragile political, social and economic situation in the country. The ISN focuses on the country's recovery and stabilization needs, while paving the way for support for long-term development.

The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a partnership of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system to support the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). The HFA is the primary international agreement for disaster reduction, adopted by one hundred sixty-eight (168) governments and multilateral organizations, including the World Bank. The principal strategic goal of the HFA is to effectively integrate, in a coherent manner, disaster risk considerations into sustainable development policies, planning, programming, and financing at all levels of government.

The GFDRR is managed by the World Bank on behalf of the participating donor partners and other partnering stakeholders. The work of the GFDRR is divided into three tracks. Track I consists of financial support to the secretariat of the ISDR system (the ISDR Secretariat) and is managed by the ISDR secretariat. This track is designed to enhance global and regional advocacy, partnerships, and knowledge management for mainstreaming disaster reduction. Track II is directed at mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in country development processes to ensure that risk assessments, risk mitigation, risk transfer, and emergency preparedness are incorporated into in all strategic plans and programs. This track is designed to provide ex ante support, primarily through technical assistance to enhance investments in risk reduction and risk transfer mechanisms, as well as disaster management planning to low- and middle-income country governments. Track III supports primarily low-income countries for accelerated disaster recovery and risk reduction in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

The GFDRR has funded more than 130 disaster risk reduction and inter-related climate risk management programs in more than 54 disaster-prone low and middle-income countries. Its portfolio has grown to over $ 200 million since the establishment of the Facility in September 2006. Under the overall guidance of a high level Consultative Group (CG) of donors, UN and World Bank, co-chaired by World Bank Sustainable Development Vice President and the Government of Sweden, GFDRR Secretariat at the World Bank headquarters manages the global operations of this partnership under the ISDR system.

In 2011, GFDRR approved an initial program for Kyrgyz Republic with a grant of $1.45 million. Ministry of Emergency Situations is the implementation agency and the objective of the grant is to strengthen the early warning system and emergency response management of Kyrgyz Republic. This program is at early implementation stage.

In the coming years, GFDRR is planning to continue to assist Kyrgyz Republic to enhance its resilience to natural hazards and climate change. The overall goal of the program is to support the Government of Kyrgyz Republic in successfully implementing the National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation. This entails support to strengthen capacities for both ex ante risk reduction and ex-post disaster response and more specifically this program aims to reduce vulnerability through multi-hazard risk assessment to strengthening disaster risk reduction and better post disaster needs assessment methodology to increase response capacity in Kyrgyz Republic.

The Disaster Risk Management Specialist will report to the Sector manager for Urban, Water and DRM in the Europe and Central Asia Region. For day-to-day reporting, the DRM Specialist will report to the Team Leader for DRM in Central Asia.

Duties and accountabilities

Support national DRM program implementation:

• Support the implementation of GFDRR’s Track II country program portfolio which will be managed by the task team leader (TTL) in Washington DC.
• Work closely with GOV’s line ministries such as Ministry of Emergency, Ministry of Finance, and other key ministries to support the implementation of the GFDRR program.
• Provide technical advice and quality support to teams working on GFDRR-financed projects;
• Provide technical inputs to Bank teams working on DRR/DRM projects (such as the ongoing GFDRR-funded program which has been implemented by the Ministry of Emergency, the pipeline program to be funded by GFDRR etc.) to synergize efforts and build a coherent, integrated and efficient program of interventions at the country level.
• Support the implementation of the on-going Central Asia Hydromet project and provide hands-on operational support to the implementation agency.
• Undertake monitoring and evaluation of the GFDRR-funded program by finalizing performance indicators and preparing progress reports for the Results Based Monitoring System, as well as other information required by the GFDRR Secretariat;
• Review planned and ongoing Bank projects in key sectors (health, education, transport, rural/urban development) to identify opportunities for DRR mainstreaming and climate change adaptation and provide technical support to TTLs on operations
• Coordinate the preparation of consolidated progress reports, project briefings and other relevant monitoring information to inform clients, donors, Directors and DRR partners in an organized manner and with adherence to the Bank’s quality guidelines.
• Provide operational support in the event of an emergency in the country/region, by participating in emergency response activities such as conducting damage and loss assessments.
Help the TTL manage a comprehensive, in-country sectoral dialogue with critical stakeholders:
• Strengthen in-country partnerships and coordinate with relevant international agencies, such as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other donors relating to project activities.
• Represent GFDRR, as required, at internal and external meetings and deliver presentations on Track II country program portfolio as well as on GFDRR in general.

Contribute to GFDRR’s knowledge management system:

• Prepare lessons learned and best practice pieces based on Kyrgyz Republic Track II portfolio when necessary

• Perform other duties and functions as assigned by the SD Sector Manager and the TTL for Central Asia DRM.

Selection Criteria

• At least a Master's degree in urban planning, GIS, climate science, hydro-meteorology science, structural engineering or a relevant discipline with a focus on natural hazards, GIS, and environment.
• Have a good track record and reference from previous working assignments.
• Ability to work independently and be accountable for quality delivery.
• Ability to take initiative and identify opportunities for collaboration.
• Ability to undertake technical review and provide technical guidance and support to GOV counterpart agencies.
• At least two years of relevant experience in the areas related to climate change, natural hazards, disasters, humanitarian affairs, vulnerability, and disaster risk management.
• Fluency in written and spoken English and Russian is essential.
• Familiarity with GOV operational, budgeting and other processes towards disaster risk management would be a plus.
• Experience working in an international environment is desired.
• Highly developed communication and advocacy skills, including the ability to write concisely and clearly.
• Knowledge of operational Bank policies and practices, including institutional, operational and technical issues related to the Bank’s project cycle would be a plus, but not compulsory.
• Field experience in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction assignments is an advantage.
• Ability to work in a fast track environment, with efficiency, competence and integrity with people of different cultural backgrounds.

The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational background. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence (recommended for external job postings only).

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