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Consultant Team for Mid-term evaluation DRR Project, Myanmar

Rakhine State
Malteser International
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Malteser International in Myanmar is seeking to hire a consultant team for the mid-term evaluation of its German government-funded project “Strengthening of DRR capacity and community-based management of the mangrove forest ecosystem for adaptation to climate change in high-risk areas of Rakhine State, Myanmar

Background information and rationale

Malteser International is the relief agency of the Sovereign Order of Malta for humanitarian aid. With over 100 projects annually in some 25 countries throughout Africa, Asia and the Americas, we provide emergency relief after disasters and support recovery efforts with a focus on sustainable development. Malteser International has been operational in Myanmar since 2001 and is currently implementing health, WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) and DRR (disaster risk reduction) programs in Rakhine, Shan and Kayin States. The programmes are implemented through Programme Offices in the respective regions and supported by a Country Office in Yangon.

Project: ”Strengthening of DRR capacity and community-based management of the mangrove forest ecosystem for adaptation to climate change in high-risk areas of Rakhine State, Myanmar”

Project period: 01 January 2013 – 31 December 2018

Project budget: 1,600,000 Euro

Donor: German Government (BMZ)

Project objective:

The objective of the project is to develop a community-based, replicable model to strengthen local capacities for climate change adaptation through the development of disaster preparedness plans and the introduction of early warning systems in combination with the reforestation of mangroves for improved coastal protection. The project links disaster risk reduction with income-generating activities and the conservation of the ecosystem. Communities’ capacities are built to protect their livelihood from the consequences of climate change and to prepare for potential extreme climate-events and natural hazards.

Expected project results:

  1. Local authorities are better informed about duties and responsibilities in risk management for climate change adaptation and can provide input in the National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (NAPA).
  2. The coping mechanisms of the participating communities in disaster management are strengthened and their vulnerability is reduced through the reforestation of mangroves and a community-based coastal resources management system for climate change adaptation.
  3. The publication of case studies further adds to the already existing knowledge on options for successful climate change adaptation in Myanmar.

Objective of the Evaluation

Expected outcome

The evaluation will focus on:

  • Relevance
    • Has the project design and implementation been appropriate to meet the DRR needs of the target groups?
    • Does the project successfully reach out to addressing the needs of women, children, elderly, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups?
    • Has the project design been coherent with policies of the Myanmar Government?
  • Efficiency
    • Are project funds being used in a cost efficient way?
    • Are the resources allocated justified and adequate to strengthen DRR capacity of the local population, especially women, children, elderly and persons with disabilities?
  • Effectiveness
    • Are the planned results likely to be achieved and lead to the intended outcomes?
    • Have the activities undertaken so far been effective in order to meet the needs of the targeted population?
    • Which project activities have the greatest positive effect and which will have the least effect? Are there any activities that should have been included in the action but were not?
    • Are local authorities better informed about duties and responsibilities in risk management for climate change adaptation?
    • Does the intervention strengthen capacities for climate change adaptation at the community level?
    • Have disaster preparedness plans and early warning systems been successful during the recent floods in August 2015?
    • In how far did the reforestation of mangroves contribute to climate change adaptation?
    • How do women, children, elderly, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups benefit from the results?
  • Outcome/Impact
    • What is the cumulative effect of the operation in relation to the situation of the beneficiaries in general (including positive, negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by the action, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended impacts)?
    • What are the wider effects of the operation on individuals, different gender groups, communities and institutions?
    • What visible/evident impacts are emerging from the project implementation?
    • Are beneficiaries satisfied with the assistance provided? What real difference does the project make to the beneficiaries?
    • Were cross-cutting issues (e.g. gender, social inclusion, trust-building between communities) adequately taken into consideration in the set-up and implementation of the project?
  • Sustainability
    • How does the project adapt to the changing context in Rakhine/Myanmar? Is Malteser International sufficiently incorporating a longer-term view into this project?
    • What efforts are made to ensure that the approach used in the project are participatory and creating ownership in the communities? How are these efforts monitored?
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
    • Main conclusions drawn from analysis with evidence provided during field visits and observations;
    • A set of recommendations linked to the conclusions that would provide guidance to Malteser International for future interventions in Rakhine State.

Evaluation methodology

An independent international consultant and a national evaluation facilitator will be contracted. In addition, Malteser will provide one translator for the evaluation team. The selected consultants will receive all relevant documents from Malteser International for desk study 15 days prior to the start of the evaluation in the field. The evaluation team will conduct a 10 day field assessment in Sittwe district, Rakhine State which will include, visits to selected target communities, including discussions with partners and government stakeholders.

The consultant is expected to interview and/or conduct focus group discussions with staffs, beneficiaries of the project activities, target groups, and other stakeholders such as:

  • Malteser International and implementing partner project staff working in Sittwe District;
  • Community disaster risk management committees/ village adaptation committees;
  • General Administration Department (Township Administrators);
  • Local authorities (village administrators, village leaders, religious leaders).
  • A joint review workshop with Malteser International will be conducted in Yangon

The consultant will provide Malteser International a list of the specific meetings he/she wishes to conduct and hamlets to be visited during the field assessment to allow for the related administrative and logistics arrangements (e.g. accommodation, transport, travel authorisations) and schedule of appointments. A briefing meeting with representatives of Malteser International is foreseen in Yangon in order to finalise the organisation of the evaluation. Likewise, a joint Debriefing session will be held in Yangon before departure.


The evaluation is expected to take place in January 2016 with the following preliminary timeframe:

  • Preparation and desk study, preparation of interview guidelines, team coordination - 2 days
  • (If applicable) International travel to and from Yangon - 2 days
  • Briefing with Malteser International in Yangon and travel to Sittwe, Rakhine State - 1 day
  • Joint review workshop with Malteser International and partners in Sittwe - 1 day
  • Field visits to target villages - 10 days
  • Return travel from Rakhine State and Debriefing in Yangon - 1 day
  • Reporting - 3 days

Total - max. 20 days


Key deliverable will be a consolidated evaluation report. The final report will follow the attached basic structure consisting of three parts:

  1. Executive summary (that will be of standalone character, max. 5 pages)
  2. Main Report focusing on the questions raised in this ToR under the five headings (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability, conclusions and recommendations, max. 30 pages)
  3. Annex of main supporting documents, agenda, maps, interview guidelines, etc.

As part of the process, the evaluation team will submit the following documents:

Before leaving the field:

  • A Debriefing note (2-3 pages) which will contain a summary of main findings and recommendations to Malteser International. The debriefing note/summary will be discussed during the debriefing session in Yangon Country Office

3 weeks after departure from the field:

  • Draft report (electronic version, max. 30 pages) in English, to Malteser International in Yangon

2 weeks after feedback from Malteser:

  • The Final report will be submitted in 4 printed copies of the final report in English to Malteser International Country Office in Yangon, and 1 electronic copy to Malteser International’s Headquarters in Cologne/Germany and the Country Offices in Yangon.

The report and all background documentation will remain the property of Malteser International and will be promulgated as appropriate by Malteser International.

Required expertise


  • At least 5 years’ experience in evaluating development and/or humanitarian projects, preferably in the field of DRR and CCA;
  • University degree in a related subject, MSc preferred;
  • Familiarity with community-based disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation programmes in under-developed and complex environments;
  • Knowledge of the disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation framework in Myanmar
  • Fluency in written English.


  • Previous work experience in Rakhine State or Myanmar;
  • Understanding of Myanmar language (one person in consultant team);
  • Valid Myanmar MoH visa / Business visa (facilitation of business visa possible)


Bids must include:

  1. 1-2 page outline covering a) overall framework and b) sampling/survey methodologies, comments and suggestions on this ToR
  2. CV and evidence/references of past evaluations
  3. Proposed Budget (in EUR) and work plan

Bids should be submitted electronically to Malteser International by the closing date of 06 November 2015 at 17:00 (Myanmar Time) to:

Serge Birtel, Program Officer at

Johannes Kaltenbach, Country Coordinator at

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