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Consultancy: Early Warning Early Action

World Vision Somalia
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The Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) is a multi-year effort by seven leading NGOs to tackle the challenge of recurrent droughts—and the chronic vulnerability that results—among pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, and peri-urban households across Somalia. Designed to address communities’ unique needs toward building resilient livelihoods, the program builds on collective lessons learnt by consortium members World Vision, Oxfam, DRC, COOPI, CARE, ADRA, and ACF.

Technical area: Early Warning Early Action

Purpose of Consultancy

To provide technical support to SomReP in EWEA

SomReP maintains that crisis can be modified through early action. In early 2014, SomReP committed to develop and incorporate a crisis modifier component of resilience programme.

The SomReP Crisis Modifier system anticipates a need to respond to changing conditions, timely and strategically, in key sectors or pillars which supports the local economy and society.

The early warning information consists of 9 indicators which are used as to predict or verify the need for early action. Most are drawn from productive sectors or basic services, but due to the nature of most crises in Somalia, climate information is also a very helpful predictive piece of information. Early actions are linked to the performance or thresholds, of individual or pairs of indicators.


63 days work to be completed in the period from March 1st to October 1st 2016.

Anticipated date of draft evaluation report submission: September 30th 2016

Project location

(Districts and # of villages/ sub-locations) Somalia (potentially all areas)


Disaster risk reduction, early warning early action, resilience

Key consultant activities

Roll out community based early warning indicators for measurement of community stress for SomRep agencies.

  1. Ensure consistency with agency existing M&E systems.
  2. Ensure that existing indicators are complimentary to existing macro-level monitoring systems such as FEWSNET and FSNAU for Somalia.
  3. Review trigger points for action of SomRep crisis modifier approach in consultation with SomRep agencies and FEWSNET/FSNAU.
  4. Refine existing market monitoring systems and ensure their usefulness to agencies and communities in early action monitoring
  5. Strengthen and link traditional self-help mechanisms to early action system
  6. Capacity build CBDRM staff to ensure that community plans are linked to EW indicators
  7. Build capacity of Village Committees and District Authorities to be able to mitigate vulnerability to shocks and strengthen community early warning mechanisms and response.
  8. Capacity build CBDRM staff in order to ensure that the early action system provides timely analysis to trigger community led risk mitigation measures
  9. Contribute to SomReP thought leadership on EWEA in the Horn of Africa.

Key competences, technical background, and experience required

  • Demonstrate ability to tackle challenging issues innovatively
  • Experience of EWEA systems in a drought context
  • Experience of EWEA marketing monitoring and market monitoring apps
  • Experience of working in Somalia
  • Experience of building EWEA capacity through consortiums and with government
  • Knowledge of indigenous early warning systems in Somalia
  • Technical expertise in the construction of community based EWEA indicators
  • Technical expertise in capacity building communities in EWEA
  • Technical knowledge of CBDRM in Somalia
  • Technical Knowledge of Resilience measurement

WV Responsibilities during consultancy

  • Arrange and fund all international flights and Somalia travel/ logistics, including visas
  • Arrange accommodation and meals
  • Provide Security Briefing to consultants
  • Review all plans/ tools before use
  • Review all reports and provide feedback
  • Liaise with local implementing partners on behalf of the consultant

How to apply

Applications from qualified firms/individuals should be submitted by 15th February 2016 to If you don’t hear back from us by 30th March 2016, kindly be informed that your bid was not successful.

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