Enhanced disaster preparedness for systemic risk in complex scenarios: challenges and opportunities
The workshop entitled “Enhanced disaster preparedness for systemic risk in complex scenarios: challenges and opportunities”, constituted an opportunity for partners working on disaster preparedness to showcase the impacts of DP actions in the region, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and in complex emergencies requiring a better understanding of systemic risk. It helped to showcase how an evidence-based approach is key to drive effective and efficient anticipatory actions, emergency response and early recovery. In addition, learning on how each organization adapted and responded to COVID-19 and how DP projects impacted in the region enrichened the workshop. In total, 793 unique users logged into this four-day event and of those, 118 attended all sessions.
Key lessons in eight areas were identified:
- COVID-19
- Health
- Social protection and cash transfers
- Inclusion
- Technology and data
- Coordination
- Volunteering and first responders
- Private sectors