Post-Disaster Needs Assessment of 2010 Floods in Benin (PDNA)
In August, 2010, torrential rains and severe flooding hit Benin. The floods caused extensive damage to housing, schools, health centers, roads, market places, places of worship, drinking water supply, sanitation, and other goods and public services. With a view to collect detailed data on the damage and losses caused by the disaster and thus determine the needs for rehabilitation and reconstruction by sector, the Government of Benin through the Ministry of Prospective, Development and Evaluation of Public policies and Coordination of the Government Action (MPDEPP-CAG) invited the World Bank (WB) to prepare a joint mission for the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) together with the agencies of the United Nations represented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the delegation of the European Union.
The objective of the joint assessment mission is to identify the structural causes of the floods with the ultimate aim to develop medium and long term effective flood-reduction strategies and to avoid the recurrence of future flooding. This evaluation focused mainly on the areas of agriculture (including livestock and fisheries), food security, nonagricultural livelihoods, and urban environment (housing, sanitation, drainage, wastewater and solid waste management).