Towards Building a Sustainable and Resilient Society in Southeast Asia: Unmasking Opportunities and Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- English
Since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020, much analysis tends to gravitate to this pandemic as a crisis causing economic, social, and political disruptions. Now is the time to unmask the opportunities and lessons learned in order to shape recovery. This conference aims to provide a snapshot of how COVID-19 has been addressed in Southeast Asia, particularly tackling the challenges and leveraging the opportunities the pandemic offers. The conference highlights evidence-based transformations that the pandemic has sparked as a way forward towards building a sustainable and resilient future. As an avenue for knowledge sharing and dialogue, this conference is open to academia, business sectors, non-government organizations, policymakers, and practitioners working or interested in interdisciplinary perspectives from COVID-19 in Southeast Asia.
15.00-19.00 Japan
14.00-18.00 Philippines
13.00-17.00 Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos
12.300-16.30 Myanmar