Sea-level change in the Pacific Islands region: A review of evidence to inform Asian Development Bank guidance on selecting sea-level projections for climate risk and adaptation assessments
This report aims to summarize the state of understanding of the causes and impacts of sea-level rise (SLR) across the Pacific Islands Region (PIR), how sea levels across the PIR have changed in the past, and how sea levels across the PIR are projected to change in the future. The report also aims to identify what sea-level change data (historical) and projections (future) exist for the PIR and evaluate their relative strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, the report seeks to document the major uncertainties and scientific challenges that exist in relation to understanding and quantifying past and future sea-level change in the PIR.
The report seeks to provide advice, based on the latest science and good practice, to assist the Pacific Department in developing PIR-specific guidance on how to incorporate credible SLR projection information into the Asian Development Bank's projects (e.g., at the project feasibility and climate risk and adaptation assessment stages). Finally, it aims to recommend what more needs to be done to develop and implement guidance on incorporating credible SLR projections into ADB projects, including defining objectives, tasks, estimated time for each task, and skills and personnel required to complete the tasks.