Gender and national climate planning: Gender integration in the revised Nationally Determined Contributions
In this study, 89 revised/updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) were analysed to identify and understand how many, and to what extent, countries have integrated gender in their plans. This analysis aims to measure global progress on the inclusion of gender considerations and the adoption of gender-responsive policies and programming, showcasing good examples of gender-responsive components.
The key findings of this study suggest a move toward greater alignment with international standards and Parties’ own commitments on gender equality, for example as reflected in the Paris Agreement, its Rulebook guidance and the Enhanced Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and its Gender Action Plan (GAP). This progression may further signal the importance that these Party-led commitments have had in further ensuring gender equality goals are integrated into climate actions, as seen in the varied examples of how gender equality can be mainstreamed in climate change policies and planning processes.