Navigating the landscape of support for the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans
This publication provides an overview of the landscape of support available for adaptation and of the targeted programmes and initiatives that have been set up to facilitate the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans (NAP). It is structured around six different categories of support: “Guidelines”, “Systematic observation, science and climate services”, “Information and knowledge”, “Finance”, “Capacity-building and technical support”, and “Technology development and transfer”. It updates and complements the information contained in the Adaptation Committee's report on "Navigating the landscape of support for the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans" published in 2015.
This publication highlights that as the support needs of different countries at different stages of the process to formulate and implement NAPs vary and will continue to evolve, the landscape of available support will also adapt to those needs. The process to formulate and implement NAPs is the key instrument in enabling countries to address their medium and long-term adaptation needs in a coherent and strategic manner. Through this report the Adaptation Committee has made an effort of providing a broad overview of such opportunities and will keep updating the information in step with countries' needs.